SWC Board Meeting: Tuesday, October 8, 2013 at Marie Callendar’s in Northridge. Dinner is at 7:00 PM – Meeting is at 8:00 PM
Saturday – October 26, 2013
WOODLEY PARK (area #2)
- Puppy 3-6, 6-9, 9-12 months
- Adult 12-18 months, Open
- Novice A & B
- Open A & B, Utility
TROPHY & ROSETTE FOR: Best in Match, BOS in Match & High Score Obedience
ENTRY FEES – $8.00 FIRST CLASS, $4.00 ADD’L CLASS (SAME DOG) …….. 8:30 – 9:30am
9:00 AM OBEDIENCE JUDGING at 9:00 am
9:30 AM HANDLING CLASS ($1.00 ringside)
12:00 PM LUNCH
All AKC Rules Apply
Professsional Handlers may handle only their own dogs.
No dogs with major points.
Dogs must be six months of age or older.
Dogs with no degree may enter only Novice A or B.
Dogs with CD and no legs toward CDX may enter only Open A and B.
Dogs with CD and leg(s) toward CDX may enter only Open B.
Dogs with CDX may enter Open B (for exhibition only) and Utility.
Dogs with UD may enter Open B & Utility (both for exhibition only).
For more information: MATCH CHAIRMAN – Helen Finnerty, (818) 348-0312
*Southland Weimaraner Club will host a Pot Luck Luncheon. We ask that anyone who wishes to join us bring a Salad, Main Dish or Dessert for all to share. Plates, utensils & drinks will be provided.
The Weim Festival will be held at the same location as the Match from 11:00-3:30 pm.
Directions: Near the intersection of 405 & 101 Freeways, East side of Woodley Ave. between Victory & Burbank Blvd. 405 Freeway SOUTHBOUND exit Victory Blvd., go left off the exit and turn right at light onto Victory. Turn left on Woodley Ave. Park is on the left side of the street. 405 Freeway NORTHBOUND, exit Burbank Blvd., turn left off exit onto Burbank Blvd. Turn right on Woodley Ave. Park is on the right side of the street. AREA #2 – turn into Japanese Garden Entrance, follow road into park.
Weimaraner Festival:
Southland Weimaraner Club Presents – 19th Annual
Weimaraner Festival
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Woodley Park, Van Nuys – Area #2
11:00 am until 3:30 pm
Your Donation will benefit Weimaraner Rescue
Come Celebrate the Gray Ghost!
9-11:00 am: Weimaraner Obedience & Conformation Match, come early and watch the show, club members will be available to answer any questions you may have.
11:00 am: Weim Festival Meet & Mingle Lots of Weimaraners and “Weim People.”
11:30 am: Games – Games – and Fun Stuff!
Noon: Potluck Picnic Lunch Bring a dish to share – paper goods & beverages provided
1:00pm: Rescue Parade — Sign up at the entry table anytime before 1pm
Followed by More Games a terrific Raffle
All Day: Southland Weimaraner Club Booth & Friends For Pets Booth
Rescue Information and applications will be available.
We LOVE to see all FFP Alumni!
Bring a chair for you & water/treats/toys for your gray friend(s).
NOTE: All dogs must be kept on-leash at the park.
REMEMBER – This day is all about having Fun with your Weimaraner, meeting other owners & Weims, getting questions answered, & Raising Funds to help support Weims in Need. Friends For Pets cares for over 100 Weimaraners a year, they truly need our Help!
All Weimaraners Enter Free, Owners please donate $15 per person $12 advanced reservation, children under 10 are free- MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO SWC, and mail, along with your name and number in your party, to: Weimaraner Festival, 9209 Priscilla St., Downey, CA 90242, Reserved Tickets can be picked up at the entry table. For Info. call: (562) 869-5213 or e-mail: Weimtrain@verizon.net.
Directions: Near the intersection of 405 & 101 Freeways, East side of Woodley Ave. between Victory & Burbank Blvd. 405 Freeway SOUTHBOUND exit Victory Blvd., go left off the exit and turn right at light onto Victory. Turn left on Woodley Ave. Park is on the left side of the street. 405 Freeway NORTHBOUND, exit Burbank Blvd., turn left off exit onto Burbank Blvd. Turn right on Woodley Ave. Park is on the right side of the street. AREA #2 – turn into Japanese Garden Entrance, follow road into park.
Weim Festival Help Needed:
October 26, 2013
As always it takes a village to pull the Festival off, if you can provide any assistance in the following areas, please let me know – I NEED YOUR HELP:
*AM Set Up (7am for Match & Festival) *Canopies and *Tables
*Provide Paper Goods for Lunch and/or bring Ice Chests with Water & Soda (SWC pays for these items)
*Work the Entry Table or *Work the Raffle
*Donate Raffle Prizes or *Help with Games
*PM Tear Down (3-4pm approximately)
Every year our Lunch & Raffle are outstanding – and all of it is provided by SWC members and Festival participants.
Please come and bring a lunch dish to share AND if you have Weimaraner or dog item(s), new or used, that you can donate for the Raffle – please donate.
Thanks to everyone and let’s all cross our fingers for a nice sunny (not too hot) day!
Gina Grissom, Festival Chair
Weimtrain@verizon.net or (562) 869-5213
Member Brags:
New WCA BROM Title: GCh Star Syncronous Rotation MH,SDX,RD,VX,BROM “Torque” qualified for his top producer BROM title on August 31, 2013. Proud owners are Louise Brady and Candice Gerson.
Subject: What’s Shakin’ Baby:
Subject: What’s Shakin’ Baby
September 20, 2013
2002 marked my introduction to Shaky Puppy syndrome (hypomyelination) in Weims. That also marks my introduction to Dr Ian Duncan at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. We embarked on a project to identify how the disorder expressed itself in the Weimaraner which eventually lead to the discovery of the defective gene. There were many heartbreaking moments along the way, definitely not a task for the faint of heart. Due to the dedicated efforts of many talented researchers across the country (and abroad) the defective gene has been located, identified and confirmed. Thus a screening test for carrier status in the Weimaraner is ready to be released for use by breeders. As of this week, the scientific paper regarding this work has officially been accepted for publication by a peer review journal. Dr Duncan is preparing a statement for the AKC Canine Health Foundation and WCA Health committee. The WCA is wasting no time and has already working with OFA to add this test to their data base. UC Davis will perform the actual screening test.
This work has been both exciting and heartbreaking over the past 11 years. I am indebted to all the individuals who participated in the study in ways large and small. For without this collective effort we would not be celebrating this accomplishment today.
Kind regards,
Katrina Sullivan, DPM – ksull@u.washington.edu
Holiday Dog Treats
It’s the time of year when everyone indulges in special treats, but holiday favorites such as turkey scraps and chocolate are harmful for dogs. These homemade treats are dog-friendly and delicious, with a hint of holiday flare. Make some for your special dog and more to share with other canine friends!
Pumpkin Peanut Butter Biscuits
- 2 1/2 cups whole wheat or barley flour
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup canned pumpkin
- 3 tablespoons peanut butter
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Stir dry ingredients in medium bowl. In separate bowl, whisk together eggs, pumpkin, and peanut butter. Add egg mixture to flour mixture and knead thoroughly. Dough should be dry and stiff; add small amounts of water as needed to make it workable. (If dough is too sticky, add small amounts of flour.) Roll dough into half-inch thickness and cut into half-inch pieces, using knife or cookie cutters
Bake about 40 minutes, or until hard and dry.
See also:
Board and Membership Meeting Minutes (members only, password protected)